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The Happyclown of
The Month

Every month, Happyclown will select a respected member of our Global Neighbourhood to be the Happyclown of The Month. To be a Happyclown one must possess the following distinctive Happyclown characteristics. A Happyclown must be a person of great power and importance that has dedicated his or her life to happily helping the world’s Global Society further unite and improve our world. Every Happyclown must be committed to putting the best interests of the Global Society ahead of all smaller issues and, most importantly, a Happyclown must always have a handsome smile.

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Get involved in our Happyclown of The Month contest by giving us your rating in the Happyclown Voting Booth or suggesting a future Happyclown of The Month in the Happyclown Nomination Hall.


A Happyclown of The Month that has received an overall average of six stars voted by the public becomes a Senior Happyclown and will be placed permanently into the Happyclown Hall of Fame! Other Happyclowns that were not as happy are placed into the Happyclown Museum for the public display, which is a big achievement on its own.

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Happyclown Sponsor Of The Month

- April 1998 -

Happyclown of The Month!

Present Status


Our Leaders are
Leading the Way

This month's Happyclown is
The Hon. Conrad M. Black
P.C., O.C., B.A., M.A., LL.L., Litt.D., LL.D.,
D.D., D.D.S, D.V.S, P.E., R.N., R.V.,
L.M.N.O.P, M.O.U.S.E, U.N.C.L.E.,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Hollinger Inc.

AVIC .....

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