Independent And Experimental Music Online
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AudiosyntactixDancing about Architecture »
Audiosyntactix contains a wide viriety of articles provided by various twisted beings. Read what others think, tell us (or them) what you think. Ultra Mondo Communication Zone.Slapstick TracesInsight from BA Masters, PHD »
From high art to dirty punk; our resident counter-revisionist pop pundit, BA Masters, gives insight into modern culture. Slapstick Traces is a diverse collection of specialy selected articles from various publications. Ba Oomph.iQShort articles by Dmytri Kleiner »
A curious collection of babble from idio-audio's publisher, Dmytri Kleiner. Usualy unusual and mercifully short writings.Yes, everything you've heard is true.sasha.Once upon a time... »
Ze I had been just put togeser an reviews of ze events that I have had visited and wrotten articles would have been ah very happy to share my zery deep, yes, zery privet thougauts.AnastasiaIDIO-AUDIO Ottawa Correspondent »
She'll wow, she'll woo, she might even write about YOU! What you want is info on the latest and greatest happenings in the indie scene. What you'll get is that and more given to you from a "unique" perspective. Read ON! and remember BREAK THE MOLD - STAY INDEPENDENT!!!!
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