About the Translation Team
Most translation companies will tell you how important it is to be a native speaker in order to produce a good translation. While that is true to a great extent, one cannot translate a subject one knows nothing about. Of all our translators, only the Director has formal training as such (and he worked in the Canadian legal system for a number of years for his specialization). We tend to use individuals, both Brazilians and expatriates, who, in addition to having mastered flawless fluency in several languages, have taken degrees and have extensive experience in other areas of specialization, such as chemistry, engineering, medicine, law, accounting, etc.
All translations are proofread, verified and edited several times over. Our translations reflect an unyielding commitment to specialization and precision. A top-notch translation reads like it was written in the target language by an expert in the subject at hand. The work done by Elo Quest Translations is top-notch. Moreover, all documents are formatted by computer and visually attractive.
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