Independent And Experimental Music Online


The DotCom Cafe went belly up and we had to cancel our scheduled event a week prior to D-Day. So long to the DotCom cafe, we will miss it. Another Toronto great bites the dust.

Acting fast, we were able to relocate quickly and efficiently, and our event took place at the InterAccess Gallery where Nocturnal Transmission 2.0 was successfully broadcast to a panic stricken and molested world. Special thanks to Skyscape Communications - our friends.


Kellfire Promotional Services
the Toronto Free Community Network
                               p r e s e n t . . .
Saturday, March 29th 8:30pm
..........................Estrogen - Enerated
>> n o c t u r n a l T R A N S M I S S I O N >>
An Internet POETRY Performance broadcast............
//////// The DotCom Cafe 57 Duncan St. (Richmond & Duncan)

The last saturday of every month Toronto poets transmit worldwide.

Any and all poets who find themselves in the vicinity of the DotCom cafe will raise their voices for transmission while taking in the pleasant, user friendly surroundings at 57 Duncan St. (Two streets west of university. One south of Queen St. West.)

Women's voices span the planet as Toronto's first fully-operational INTERNET POETRY BROADCAST embraces its feminine side & gets Estrogen-Enerated.

The third transmission is unfolding before us as we prepare to salute International Women's Day by re- launching Plus Zero Magazine – front-line feminist issues beyond mainstream margins.

When the poets step up to the mike, the room suddenly spans the entire electronic planet via the most powerful dedicated internet connection in any "cyber" watering hole in eight time zones.

Special Hosts: Treela Smith of CIUT's HOWL – THE NEW POETRY & the Plus Zero publisher, herself, Nancy Dembowski (Word-Up Series; Scream In High Park; Understatement Anthology, Seraphim Editions)

             +-+ The DotCom Café proudly presents a Triple Goddess  
             +-+ Performance Showcase of .....

                           ANN SHIN
                           TRICIA POSTLE 

   FREE Internet computer time for the entire evening
	compliments of the DotCom Cafe.
        ->        Open mic segments throughout,         <-
        ->        encouraging a full range of           <-
        ->        experimental creation.                <-

** h i s t o r i c a l  c o n t e x t
                             { notorious net.happening 2.0 )

( Nocturnal Transmission 1.0 }

On an early January night the DotCom teemed with close to thirty of Toronto's most talented and visionary poets, attracted by the unfolding possibilities. It was an unprecedented happening, and a resoundingly successful benefit for the Toronto Free Community Network - a pro-active organization who are working to bring all of Toronto's marginal communities online.

Around of e-mails and phone calls less than a week earlier and Toronto's premiers Internet cafe became a spontaneous happening.

Partly it was the appeal of free internet access, partly the fact that anything said was beamed instantly around the world, and partly the MISSION of the TRANSmission.

Donate What You Can. Proceeds will support fund raising objectives of the Toronto Free Community Network - to establish fully operational free internet access points throughout the city of Toronto and help local communities and grassroots organizations to get their presence on-line. Portion of the proceeds from this month's transmission will be generously donated by the TFCN to the Toronto Women's Literacy Project.

       <<<< The ( t r a n s ) M I S S I O N continues. >>>>

** t h e  p o e t s
        ->        Open mic segments throughout,         <-
        ->        encouraging a full range of           <-
        ->        experimental creation.                <-

** s p e c i a l  a p p e a r a n c e s

Tune into the Estrogen-Enerated Nocturnal Transmission:
Live on the web- Saturday, March 29, 1997
8:30PM - (E.S.T) -
For more information call: (416) 515-9944

Kellfire Promotional Services
the Toronto Free Community Network
                               p r e s e n t . . .
Saturday, March 29th 8:30pm
..........................Estrogen - Enerated
>> n o c t u r n a l T R A N S M I S S I O N >>
An Internet POETRY Performance broadcast............
//////// The DotCom Cafe 57 Duncan St. (Richmond & Duncan)

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(c) Idiosyntactix