
Exodus 2000

In one of the most dramatic and expected events of the century, Ovide Mercredi, National Chief of Canada's most influential Native group -- the Assembly of First Nations -- declared Israeli Primer Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be the true leader of the First Nations of Canada.

Mercredi's shocking announcement came after he received a powerful vision during a commonplace traditional ceremony.


The National Chief claims that the vision came from the God of Abraham and revealed to him the entire history of his people.

During the Time of Moses, claims Mercredi, God commanded the Jews to go and claim the Holy Land.... Canada.

Of course, the had no idea where Canada was! This created great controversy and a split in the group.

Some took "Canada" to mean nearby Canaan, modern day Israel and preceded to go there and set up shop.


The others wandered the Earth (becoming the lost tribes), looking for "Canada" eventually arriving in North America and becoming what we now call the First Nations, as many great anthropologists have maintained since the discovery of the new world.

Ovide claims that the group that went to Canada evolved into a whole different culture and forgot their Jewish heritage.

The Group that went to Canaan, eventually destroyed all records of the "Canada" reference and squashed all attempts to revive talk of "Canada", centuries later this was completely forgotten.


According to the National Chief, both groups met with great hardships and turmoil, one for forsaking God's Instructions and One for Forgetting him.

Further exciting the diplomatic world, this month's Happyclown, Benjamin Netanyahu, is corroborating Mr. Mercredi's Story, and adding more intrigue than anyone could have guessed.

The Israeli Prime Minister claims that documents were uncovered that reveal the Canada/Canaan controversy during the Rabin administration.

Netanyahu says Rabin decided that Information questioning the Jew's Historical claim to the "Holy Land" would greatly harm the now bustling Israeli economy and derail his Nobel praise winning peace talks with Arafat. He, like many Jewish leaders centuries before, tried to cover it up.

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Benjamin Netanyahu


Netanyahu explains with great regret that copies of the historic documents were smuggled to the radical Jewish group "Eyal" and that Yigal Amir killed Yitzhak Rabin to stop the perpetuation of centuries old lie and for disobeying God's Orders.

Negotiating with Canadian Prime Minister Jean Cretien, on behalf of both the State of Israel and The Assembly of First Nations, Netanyahu makes arrangements with the Canadian government to declare a new country made up of Parts of Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec -- A new Holy Land!


Netanyahu also works with Yasser Arafat to return Canaan to the Philistines (Palestinians) and achieve peace in the middle east!

Both the Establishment of the New state of Israel on former Canadian soil and the recognition of the new independent state of Palestine is immediately ratified by the United Nations in an unprecedented emergency assembly.

Incredible! What an earth shattering event. The realization of aboriginal self rule! Peace in the middle east! And yet, unbelievable there is more to this story.


In order to finance the construction of this new Holy land, Netanyahu takes up the torch of the GRAND Canal project, working in cooperation with American and Canadian industry with the help of the Rothschild Partnership, Netanyahu unveils a plan to kick start the economy and develop this new land and move the entire state of Israel to it, wailing wall and all!

With the modern state of Israel, one the most successful economic powerhouses of the modern world, working with the native Americans, who understand the land and the region better then anyone else, this new Holy land will quickly become of the most prominent countries on the Planet.

Netanyahu's scheme would flood a great portion of the new Holy Land by building a dike across James Bay and the creation of a new freshwater lake through the impoundment of rivers that now empty into the bay.


A huge canal would be built which would transport this fresh water to the Great Lakes basin and beyond. Water which would otherwise be "totally lost" would, therefore, be "recycled" and sold to the prairie provinces and midwest states at huge profits.

The GRAND Canal project will provide the necessary start up capital to create a small but powerful new state. It Can't Fail!

These are exiting times indeed and Happyclown bestows it's blessings on all the brave players in this unexpected development.

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