The city of Oosterbeeck in the Netherlands is besieged by the swelling North Sea. We must act before too much damage is done to the historic city which houses, among other heritage sites, the original headquarters of the philanthropic Bilderberg Group; The Hotel Bilderberg.
The Bilderberg Group is a world wide organization made up of some the
planet's most dedicated and influential corporate leaders, heads of state and royalty. This organization is working tirelessly to unite and improve the world we live in.
In order to save the city of Oosterbeeck, McDonald's Earth Effort and
the Bilderberg group will raise the city's waterfront up above sea level. The Bilderberg Group have consulted world reknowned experts in the fields of landscape reconstruction and environmental assessment.
The Oosterbeeck Elevation Initiative will involve the implementation
of our materials reclamation program which collects waste packaging from our world wide organization and converts it high-grade landfill using a "total lifecycle" approach.
You're Invited to the Private Bilder Burger Bash
To kick off this exciting new environmental Oosterbeeck Elevation Initiative and our fabulous new Bilder Burger Vegetarian Sandwich, the illustrious members of the Bildergroup Group will be right here in Toronto to share the first Bilder Burgers offered to the General Public with us. We will select two hundred Torontonians and invite them to our private corporate launch where the Bilderberg group will unveil the architectural sketches of the Oosterbeek Elevation Initiative and enjoy the new McDonald's Bilder Burger.
Share a Snack with the World's Who's Who
The lavish event will be hosted at the CIBC's beautiful Leadership Centre in King City, just north of Toronto on June the 2nd, and some very famous members of our Global Society will be there to share a Bilder Burger with you.
To sign up for this ground breaking luncheon call the CIBC's Contact line 980-2422 and mention this leaflet. The first two hundred callers will be selected, and fifty will be selected as stand ins. We'd love to have you for lunch.
For more information, write: Customer Relations. McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Ltd., McDonald's Place, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3L4