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The sales structure of the ATIVA trademark is formed of 28 distributors, which total 303 salespeople, 185 promoters, 35 supervisors and 26 sales managers. The distribution is divided as shown in the map on the side.

We are always looking for foreign distributors. If you or your company are interested in breaking into this growing market, please contact ATIVA at

Map of Brazil

01 - Turmina - Porto Alegre (RS)
(051) 374-3655
up 02 - Deycon - Florianópolis (SC)
(048) 247-2392
03 - Bigolim- Chapecó
(0497) 24-1300
up 04 - Icomer - Curitiba (PR)
(041) 376-2010
05 - 3 HL - Cascavel (PR)
(0452) 23-2076
up 06 - Deycon - Londrina (PR)
(043) 326-7878
07 - Cersyl - Campo Grande (MS)
(067) 383-1339
up 08 - Extratoforma - Cuiabá (MT)
(065) 621-3939
09 - Rio Madeira - Vila Velha (ES)
(027) 329-5425
up 10 - Real - Goiânia (GO)
(062) 241-2141
11 - Plaza - Brasília (DF)
(061) 591-8474
up 12 - Disal - Belo Horizonte (MG)
(031) 361-4431
13 - Prólider - Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
(021) 270-8588
up 14 - Lino & Barreiro - Santos (SP)
(013) 235-4220
15 - Maxi Pan - São Paulo (SP)
(011) 866-9858
up 16 - Saba - Campo Bonito (SP)
(0155) 42-1635
17 - Burcom - Campinas (SP)
(0192) 49-6955
up 18 - Ishtar - Leme (SP)
(019) 571-3549
19 - Pulmer - Ribeirão Preto (SP)
(016) 627-8105
up 20 - Central - São Carlos (SP)
(0162) 71-6667
21 - EBD - Salvador (BA)
(071) 392-2733
up 22 - Iremá - Recife (PE)
(081) 421-5300
23 - DNA - João Pessoa (PB)
(083) 231-2149
up 24 - DCL - Natal (RN)
(084) 284-9213
25 - JG - Teresina (PI)
(086) 221-2503
up 26 - Hoyer & Rocha - São Luís (MA)
(098) 235-1091
27 - Nasser - Belém (PA)
(091) 212-2277
up 28 - Difal - Fortaleza (CE)
(085) 229-3505


We have an ongoing training program for our sales team. This training is done since our products are different, and are part of a market niche, as yet under exploited to its full potential. Just in the United States, revenues in 1994 in this segment were estimated at US$ 7.5 billion.

Below is a graph showing the evolution of natural product sales, in just supermarkets in the United States.

Ativa also owns the ATIVA trademark which plans to launch products in the segments of vitamin and mineral capsules, as registered in the Brazilian Patent and Tradmark Office.

This is the company profile. With investments in the areas of advertising and publicity, and the introduction of new products, we will be in a position to bring the "Ativa Principle" to a truly significant number of people.



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