The Magdalene Gospel

anonymous gospel in MS Pepys 2498 (Magdalene College Library, Cambridge)

translated by Yuri Kuchinsky

(From 1922 Oxford edition; Margery Goates, editor.)
Text not found in New Testament gospels is marked red.
See more notes at the end of this file.
Copyright 2001 by the translator.

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And here you will find the Middle English text of MS Pepys (Chapters 1-34).

12th century manuscript illustration. Click to enlarge.


1 Our merciful lord Jesus Christ, in his divinity he was before all creatures, as he made all creatures through his own gracious might. 2 For he is strong and powerful through God the father. 3 And he became truly a man, while unchangeable in his godhead, and gave life, and light, and grace to all mankind, so that they will know God. 4 In accordance with the Law and the Prophets, he was promised to the people, so that they believe in God the Father. 5 But when he came into this world, many there were (Jn 1:11) that received him not. 6 But to those who received him, he gave them grace to become the children of God. 7 Because all those fully (Jn 1:16) received of his grace, who believed in him aright. 8 (Jn 1:18) There has never been a man who has seen God bodily, and therefore God's son became man, so that to teach all mankind how He may be seen spiritually. 9 And he became a man of the seed of St. David and St. Abraham+, for so it was prophesied to be.



1 In the time of king Herod, who was godless, and reigned in Jerusalem, holding the people of God in servitude, there was a good man by the name of Zachary, and his wife was called Elizabeth, of the tribe of Aaron. 2 And she was barren, and past her age, and he was old; so they had no children together. 3 And it came to pass on a great feast-day, that Zachary was offering incense at the high altar in the Temple, as all the people were at prayer outside. And while alone in the Temple, he entreated God for the salvation of the people. And there appeared an angel, and stood on the right side of the altar. 4 Zachary was fearful, and in a great shock. 5 And the angel comforted him, and said that the supplication that he made for the people was heard before God, and that his wife should conceive and bear a son, who shall be called John, of whose birth he and all the people will have great joy. 6 And the angel told him that [his son] will come before him who shall save the people by the Holy Spirit, and by the power of Elijah the prophet. 7 For he will be filled with the Holy Spirit [even] from his mother's womb, and he will keep himself away from the things of this world. 8 And he will bring great many people to God, and to the rightful beliefs of the patriarchs and the prophets, to make ready for God a people prepared. 9 Then Zachary asked, How might it be? -- for he was old, and his wife also, and barren. 10 And the angel answered him, and said that he was an angel [who was admitted] before God, and who was sent to salute him, and to bring [him] this good news. And he said that he will be made mute until these things came to pass, inasmuch as he did not believe as he should have done.

And all the people were waiting outside for Zachary, and they were amazed greatly that he tarried so long. 11 And [when] he came out, he could not speak to them and, because of that, they knew right away that he had seen some unusual sight in the Temple. 12 And he made some gestures and signs to them, and then he went home. 13 After that, Elizabeth conceived, and she hid herself for five months, until she was sure that she [really] was with child, and that God had done her this honour.

14 In the sixth month after she had conceived St. John+, the angel Gabriel was sent in to a city in Galilee called Nazareth to a maiden that was betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph; 15 and the maiden's name was Mary. 16 And the angel came to her, greeted her, and said that she was full of grace, and that God was within her, and that she was blessed above any other woman. 17 But when she heard the angel's word, she was afraid, and considered in her mind, How such a greeting might have come to her? 18 And the angel comforted her, and said that she had found grace in the eyes of God, and that she should conceive and bear a son who will be called Jesus. And he will be called God's son, and he will rule the kingdom of Israel without end. 19 And Mary answered him and said, "How can this be, for I think I have never [yet] knew a man carnally". 20 And the angel answered, and said, "The Holy Spirit shall alight within you, and God, himself, shall overshadow you. 21 And therefore, he who will be born of you will be called God's son. 22 You know full well that Elizabeth, your cousin, had conceived a son in her old age -- it has passed sixth months since. 23 Believe then that God may do whatever that he will." 24 Then Mary answered, and said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. So be it done to me as you have said." 25 And right away, she had conceived God's son, perfect man in body and in soul, and truly God. 26 And then the angel departed from her.

27 And right away, Mary went out from Galilee into Judah, and entered the house of Zachary, and greeted Elizabeth. 28 And as soon as Elizabeth heard her voice, right away the babe showed great joy in her womb; 29 and Elizabeth was full with the Holy Spirit, and began to cry and to worship Mary above all other women, as well as her child, and told Mary what things were taking place. 30 Then Mary answered, and thanked God and recited the whole psalm of the Magnificat+. 31 And then Mary remained with Elizabeth for about three months, 32 and after that she went back to Nazareth.

33 And as she returned, before Joseph married her, he noticed that she was great with child, and wished privately to send her away, for he was righteous, and was not willing to be a party to any sin. 34 But as soon as he began to think this, a messenger of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying that he should have no fear, because she conceived of the Holy Spirit. And [that she] shall have a son who shall be called Jesus, and that he shall save his people from sin. 35 And Joseph awoke, and did as the angel commanded him to do.

THE BIRTH OF JOHN (Lk 1:57-68, 80)
36 And when the time came for Elizabeth to be delivered, she gave birth to a son. 37 And all who heard about it had great joy. 38 And on the eighth day, the Jews came to circumcise the child. And [they would have] named him after Zachary, his father, 39 but his mother said that he should be called John. 40 And they answered that none of their kindred is called by this name, and made signs to his father Zachary, [inquiring] what name he would the child have. 41 And they passed to him a writing tablet, and he wrote on it that his name should be John. 42 And they all marvelled greatly. 43 And right away, this name was given him. 44 And [then Zachary] was all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to thank God greatly, and said, Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel+ [Blessed be the Lord God of Israel]. 45 And all who had seen this miracle, or heard of it throughout Judea thought that the child will be prodigious and mighty before God, as he comes of age. 46 And the child grew and thrived, and was comforted by the Holy Spirit. 47 And as soon as he came of age, he went off into the desert, and dwelled there, until the Holy Spirit commanded him to go and preach about the coming of Jesus Christ.



1(Lk 2:1) At that time, Augustus Caesar, the emperor of Rome, commanded that everybody in the world must be enrolled, each in the city where they lived, and that everybody should bring a denarius to a local magistrate, so that to acknowledge being subject to the Emperor of Rome. 2 And for that reason, Joseph went to Bethlehem with Mary, his wife, who was great with child in Nazareth, in order to make himself known in his own city, because he was of the seed of king David, who was of Bethlehem, and his wife also. 3 And so, while they were staying there, the time came for her to have a child. And she was delivered of her first child, a son. 4 And she, herself, wrapped him in his swaddling clothes, and laid him down in a manger -- where an ass and an ox stood -- because there was not a place in that whole house that was as suitable to lay him in, as that [place] was.

(Lk 2:8) And in the countryside, there were some shepherds, awake and watching over their beasts, and there came an angel from heaven, and stood beside them. 6 And they were afraid so greatly that they stood still in astonishment. 7 And the angel comforted them, and said that it fell upon them to witness that Jesus Christ, who shall save his people, was born in Bethlehem -- through whom they and all the people shall have great joy. 8 And he told them what sign they should look for, namely, a little child wrapped in the swaddling clothes, and laid in an ass' manger. 9 And at that moment, there came [more] angels from heaven, so glorious, and showed themselves to the shepherds, and praised God, saying, "Gloria in excelsis Deo" [Glory in the highest to God].

10 And right away, as the angels rose up to heaven, after having shown themselves to the shepherds, the shepherds took counsel together, and then went unto Bethlehem. And [they] found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in the manger, and saw right away that it was he of whom the angels had spoken to them. 11 And they told many others about the marvels that they had heard and seen that night, and they were all amazed greatly. 12 And Mary remembered all these things in her heart. 13 And the shepherds went back, praising God that He had shown them such great wonders.

(Lk 2:21) And on the eighth day the child was circumcised, and he was named Jesus, as the angel had said before he was conceived.

15(Mt 2:1) After this, upon the twelfth day, there arrived three kings from the East to Jerusalem, and asked, Where was he who was born king of the Jews, whose star they had seen in the east? 16 And they said that they came to worship him. 17 Then Herod the king heard this, [and] he was all stirred up, as well as all that were in the city. 18 And so, soon [he] assembled all the chief priests and the masters of law, and asked [them] where the Christ should be born. 19 And they answered, "In Bethlehem of Judea", because thus had God promised through the prophets. 20 Then Herod called the three kings privately, and asked them when they had first seen that star. And he sent them in to Bethlehem, telling them that they should inquire exactly of this child. And that whenever they had found him, they should send him a word, so that he may also come and worship him. 21 And when they had heard the king, they went forth towards Bethlehem. 22 And right away, the star, that earlier they had seen in the east, showed itself, and guided them, until it arrived where the child was born, and stood over him. 23 And they that were thus led by the star rejoiced greatly, and entered into the house, and found there the child and his mother. And [then they] fell to the ground, and worshipped the child. And they opened their treasures, and presented him with gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.

24 And as they thought about returning back to Herod, an angel came to them at night in a vision, and said that they should not go back to him. 25 And so, by another way, they returned to their own country.



1And as Herod was [still] pondering the coming of the kings, (Lk 2:22) there came the time when Mary had to purify herself in the Temple, according to the laws of Moses, and to offer her child to God, and to redeem him before the priests. 2 Then Mary with Joseph came to Jerusalem, and brought their son, and offered what was needed, [as was suitable] for the poor [people].

SIMEON (Lk 2:25)
3 And there was a man in Jerusalem, who was righteous and meek, and was called Simeon, and he desired greatly [to see] in his time the coming of Jesus Christ. 4 And the Holy Spirit that was within him promised him that he should not die before he had seen Jesus Christ. 5 And at this very time, he came in the Holy Spirit into the Temple (*), and also Joseph and Mary came in to offer Jesus in the Temple. 6 And then Simeon came and took the child into his arms, and thanked God, and said, "Nunc dimittis, domine, seruum tuum in pace." 7 ("Now, Lord, do you send away your servant in peace, according to your word".)

ANNA (Lk 2:36)
8 Then, there was also an elderly widow there, called Anna, who did not spend any time at all outside the Temple, but served God with fasts and supplications night and day. 9 And they [both] knew already that he was the Christ, and thanked God unreservedly. 10 Now Joseph and Mary wondered greatly about all these things that were spoken about the child.

11 Simeon blessed them, and told Mary, "See you, lady, your child has come to reveal the will of many of our people. And many shall fall because of him, and many shall rise through him, and [they will] be as his sign that will be opposed by the people. And his life, that you love as your own, shall suffer death and passion."

12 And when Joseph had done all that it owed them to do in the Temple, they returned again to Nazareth.



(Mt 2:13) Afterwards, there came a messenger, and appeared to Joseph in a dream, and told him that he should take the child and his mother, and stay in Egypt until he received another word from him; for Herod will look for the child so that to slay him. 2 And he arose right away at night, and took the child and his mother, and went to Egypt, and dwelled there till the death of Herod.

(Mt 2:16) And Herod, when he understood that the kings [had already] returned to their country, and that they deceived him in such a way, got very wroth. And [he] sent forth all his men, and slew all the children in Bethlehem, and in all that region, who were less than two years old, according to the time when he had heard from the kings who had seen the star.

(Mt 2:19) But as soon as Herod was dead, the angel came to Joseph in Egypt, biding him to go back again, and told him that they were dead who sought to slay the child. 5 And Joseph was afraid to return to Bethlehem, because Herod's son now ruled in Judea. 6 But because of his father, and [because] of the forewarning of the angel, he guided the child and his mother to Galilee, and dwelled in Nazareth.

7 (Lk 2:40) And the child grew and thrived, and was full of the grace of the almighty God.



1 And when Jesus Christ was twelve years old, it came to pass at the feast of Easter+ that Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem, as was their habit each year, and Jesus went with them. 2 And when they had to return from the feast to Nazareth, the child was left behind in the city. 3 And not knowing this, they went a day's journey, and, supposing him to be in the company, they sought him among their acquaintances. And when they did not find him, they returned again to Jerusalem, to look for the child. 4 And on the third day, they found him among the masters of the law, [and he was] both hearing them and questioning them. 5 And all those who saw and heard him were astonished at his understanding and his answers. 6 And then his mother spoke to him, and said, "Son, why have you done thus to us? 7 We have been looking for you with much sorrow." 8 And Jesus answered, "Why have you been seeking me? 9 Don't you know that I must attend to the needs of my Father?" 10 And they did not understand what he said, because he spoke about his father in heaven. 11 And they went down from the Temple, and went with him to Nazareth. 12 And his mother was remembering all these things in her heart. 13 And from this time on, Jesus showed his wisdom and his kindness day by day, and [he] made himself to be loved by God and by the people.



1 When St. John+ had himself baptised he went into the desert till he was thirty years old. 2 And the kingdom of Jerusalem was then divided by the Romans in four parts. 3 And then the Holy Spirit came, and commanded him to go forth to preach to the people that they prepare themselves to receive Christ, for he was near. 4 And then St. John went all about the region near the river Jordan, and preached that the people should acknowledge their sins. And they were baptised in the name [of the one] who will come after him. 5 And St. John ate nothing but wild garlic and turnips (bryony) and his clothes [were] of camel's hair, and [he had] a thong around his waist.

(Mt 3:7) Then the Pharisees (as some men of religion were known at that time)+ came to be baptised by him. 7 And St. John told them that it befits them to repent, and that they should not put their trust in being the descendants of those who were once so pleasing to God. Because God also may make good people out of those who no one had any hope in before. 8 And no more God will delay it, but he will deal with everybody as they deserved.

(Lk 3:10) And then the people asked him what shall they do, and how they might be saved. 10 And St. John answered them that they should give alms to the poor for the love of God. 11 And also the tax-collectors (or publicans, they being the servants of Gentile officials)+ asked him, What were they to do? 12 And he answered, and said that they should not grieve anyone, or pursue anyone falsely, but treat everyone as they deserved.

13 And all the people were thinking that John was the Christ. (Jn 1:19) And then the Jews from Jerusalem, and the Pharisees, and the priests, and the deacons (Levites), sent to ask him who he was. 14 And he answered them that he was neither the Christ, nor Elijah, nor a prophet. 15 And then they implored him that he should give them some answer, so they might pass it on to the ones who sent them. 16 And then he told them that [he was] the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke of, who should come before the Christ, to make ready the way. 17 And then they asked him, Why did he baptise the people, if he was neither the Christ, nor Elijah, nor a prophet? 18 And he answered them, (Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn) "I", he said, "bathe you with the water of repentance (*). 19 But there's yet another one on earth amidst you, who you know not -- he who is equal to none, who is greater and more worthy than I am -- and he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit. 20 And he will judge everyone just as he finds them, and to each he will apportion reward just as they have deserved."

(Mt 3:13) And then, Jesus came from Nazareth to the river Jordan to be baptised by John the Baptist. 22 But John tried to deter him, saying that it was better that he should be baptised by him, rather than Jesus by him. 23 And Jesus replied, and asked him to do it, for it was very proper for them to do so [for the sake of] giving all others a [good] example in every way, and especially of humility. 24 And so, John baptised Jesus. 25 And when he was baptised, and was in prayer for them that received baptism in his name, there came the brightness of heaven with the Holy Spirit, and alighted in him. 26 And then the voice of God, his father, came down from heaven, and said to him, "You are my dear son, with whom I am well pleased." 27 And at that time Jesus was in his thirtieth year, and still people thought that he was Joseph's son.



1 And after Jesus bore witness to the Holy Trinity+ at his baptism, the Holy Spirit led him away from the people into the desert, to be tempted by the devil. 2 And after fasting for forty days and forty nights, (Mk 1:12) while being with the wild and savage beasts, he began to feel hunger.

3 And then the devil came to him, and said, "If you are the Son of God, then make bread from the stones by [the power of] your word." 4 And Jesus answered him, and said that man does not live by the bread of bodily sustenance alone, and yet God, through his commandments, can completely sustain a man.

5 After that, the devil took him [up], and led him upon a high mountain, and showed him forests, and fields, and towns, and all the wonderful things of this world, and promised that, if Jesus fell down and worshipped him, he will give him all that he was seeing. 6 Then Jesus answered, and said, "Go away, Satan, for it is written that man shall worship and serve God only."

7 Then the devil took him [up] and brought him to Jerusalem, and set him there high upon a pillar of the Temple, and told him that, if he were the Son of God, he should jump down [from here] -- because such was the promise of God, made through David the prophet, that his angel should take charge of him, and he will not hurt himself. 8 And Jesus answered him, and said, "God forbid that a man should tempt him in order to know if he will be saved -- but [rather, he should] help himself." (?)

9 Then the devil left him there, and the angels came down from heaven, and served him in every way.



1 After having been thus in the desert, sweet Jesus came back again to John the Baptist. And John, as soon as he saw him, said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" 2 This is he of whom I spoke of, that a man should come after me who was before me. 3 And so that to bear witness to him, I came to baptise him. And I, and the others, saw the Holy Spirit descend within him in the likeness of a white dove. And that was the sign for to know Christ. 4 And [it was] he [who] gave me the Holy Spirit, when he sent me [out] to baptise. 5 And therefore, I say that this is the Son of God."

6 Another time, John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus walking by, and said, "Behold, there walks the Lamb of God!" 7 And the disciples went to Jesus, and asked him, Where was he staying? 8 And Jesus led them to where he was staying, and he put them up there for the night, because it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. 9 One of the two was Andrew, Simon's brother. 10 And he went and found his brother Simon, and told him that he had found the Christ, and brought him to Jesus. 11 And as soon as Jesus saw him, he said that he was Simon, the son of John, and that he shall be called Peter.

12 And on the next day, Jesus called Philip, who was their cousin from Bethsaida. And then Philip found Nathaniel, and told him that he had found the Christ, and led him to Jesus. 13 And when Jesus saw him, he said, "You are a rightful Jew, in whom there is no treachery." 14 And then Nathaniel spoke, and asked him, How did he know him? 15 And Jesus said how he saw him under a fig tree, before Philip called him. 16 And then said Nathaniel, "Master, you are the Son of God, and you are the king of Israel." 17 And Jesus answered him, and said, "Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? 18 Greater things than these you shall see. For you shall see the heavens open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon me (SoM)."


10 # HOW JESUS MADE WINE OUT OF WATER (Jn 2:1-11; in this text, it is not a wedding, and it is not taking place at Cana)

1 On the third day Jesus came to Galilee, and was led to a feast, with his disciples. And his mother was there. 2 And it came to pass that the wine failed. 3 And his mother said to him that they had no wine. 4 And Jesus said that the hour (ms?) has not yet come that [he] should show his power. 5 And then his mother said to the servants that they should do all that he tells them to do. 6 Now, there were six jars that the good man and all the men washed from, each holding three gallons. 7 And Jesus told them that they should fill them full of water. 8 And they filled them full right away. 9 And Jesus told them to take them up, and to carry them to him who was the chief of the feast. 10 And they took them up, and carried them over. 11 And as soon as the good man had drank thereof, he called the butler, and said to him, "Every wise man serves the best wine first, and when men are [already] drunk, then he serves the one that is not as good. 12 And you have kept the best wine even until now." 13 This was the first miracle that Jesus did. 14 And because of that his disciples believed in him.



1 Then Jesus went down to Capernaum, with his mother and his disciples; and they stayed there for a while. 2 And after that, at the feast of Easter+, he went up to Jerusalem, and came into the temple, and [he] found there how men were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons for the offerings. 3 And he saw there the moneychangers sitting, and making their change. 4 And Jesus made a whip of cords, and drove them all out with their beasts, and he poured out their money, and overturned their tables. 5 And he told those who sold the pigeons to take them away, and that no more should they make his Father's house a house of trade. 6 And his disciples then remembered that it was written that the zeal for the house should consume Christ's flesh. 7 And the Jews saw how they regarded him, and so they asked him, What sign could he show them, and where did he learn that he had the power to do so? 8 And Jesus answered them, and said that if they destroyed the temple, he would make it again on the third day. 9 And the Jews answered him again, and said that the temple was in the making for forty-six years, and that they can not believe that he could do so, and so quickly make it again. 10 But they were thinking of the temple that was made of stone, although he said that about the temple of his own body. 11 And so, as he was there at the Passover feast, many believed in him, because of the wonders that he did. 12 But he did not [put any] trust in them at all, because he knew well their hearts and their thoughts.

13 Now, there was there a ruler of the Jews, a Pharisee, whose name was Nicodemus. 14 He came to Jesus by night, and told him that he knew full well that he was come from God -- for no one could have been doing these miracles that he was doing, unless God was with him. 15 And Jesus told him that [even] more must he believe, because no one could enter into the heavenly glory unless they were baptised in water, and be born anew through the Holy Spirit. 16 And just like Moses lifted up the adder in the desert, in order to save the people, so must it be that he (SoM) be lifted up on the Cross, so that whoever believes in him shall be saved. 17 Because, he said, God so loved the world that he gave his Son, so that all who believe in him should have life without end. 18 For God sent his Son into the world, not to condemn it, but he sent him that the world might be saved. 19 And whoever believed in him shall never be condemned. 20 And whoever believed in him not shall soon be condemned, in so far as he did not believe in the Son of God. 21 And this is the reason for the judgement -- that God sent him into the world as the light, and the people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were wicked. 22 And whosoever does evil, they prefer darkness to light, so that they are not apprehended. 23 And whosoever does the good [things], they come boldly to the light. 24 And whosoever does so, it seems well that they be with God.



1 After this, Jesus with his disciples came to Judea, and baptised the people there. 2 And John, in another place, also baptised the people. 3 And then [some] Jews came to the disciples of John, and said that the baptism of Jesus was better than theirs. 4 And [the disciples] came to John, and told him that he, who was baptised by him in the river Jordan, baptised now in Judea, and that great many people left their baptism, and went over to his. 5 And John answered them, and said that they knew well what he had told them before often enough, that he was not the Christ, but was sent before him. And [he] said that Jesus was as the bridegroom, and he as the best man, and that he had great joy that Jesus was more renown than he. 6 For it was right that Jesus [must] increase, but he [must] decrease. 7 Because as much as it is between heaven and earth, such was the difference between them. 8 Because God, his father, had given him the Holy Spirit without measure, and all things he had in his power. 9 And therefore, whoever believed in him, he shall have life without end. 10 And whoever believed not in him, he should never see the bliss everlasting, but God should forever be wroth with him without end.



1 Afterwards, John the Baptist came and reproved king Herod of all the evil things that he did, especially because he had dispossessed his brother Philip of his wife, and married her. 2 And Herod had John arrested and bound, and cast into prison. 3 And all those of his court were exceedingly weary of John the Baptist, and they would have slain him right away, but they feared the people greatly. 4 And especially [Herod's] wife was waiting for an opportunity to slay John, but she was not able to, because Herod always guarded him. For he feared John greatly, knowing full well that he was a righteous and holy man, and a true prophet.

5 And as soon as Jesus had heard that John was imprisoned, and that the Pharisees were grumbling that he was baptising so many people, then Jesus left Judea, and went down to Galilee.

6 Now, [on his way] he had to pass through [the land] of the peoples called Samaritans, who were partly Jews, and in part like Gentiles+. So he came to a city called Sychar, and sat down beside a well. 7 And as he sat beside a well, and as his disciples had gone away into the town to buy them food -- for it was about the middle of the day -- there came a woman of Samaria to draw water. And Jesus asked her to give him a drink. 8 And she answered him, and said, How [was it that] she might give him a drink, since he was a Jew, and she Samaritan? (Because the Jews do not eat or drink with them.) 9 And Jesus answered her, and said that if she knew who he was, she would have asked him that he give her the living water. 10 And the woman answered him that the well was deep, and that he (*?) had nothing with which he might draw water. 11 And she asked him, Where would he get living water? For [as she said] he was not greater than Jacob the patriarch, who made that well, and who did with that water whatever he wanted, and let his animals drink. 12 And Jesus answered her, and said that every one who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that he will give will never have thirst. 13 And the woman answered him with derision, and said, "Sir, give me of that water". 14 Then Jesus told her that she should bring her husband, and come back. 15 And she said that she did not have a husband. 16 And Jesus answered, and said that she said this truly, for she had had five husbands, and he who was with her now was not her husband. 17 And she now spoke about something else, and said, "Sir, I see well that you are a prophet. 18 Now tell me whether it is better to worship here, upon the Mount Gerizim, as our ancestors did, or in Jerusalem?" 19 And Jesus said to her that the hour was come when the people need not regard either this or the other, but honour God and the Holy Spirit in all places. 20 Then the woman answered, and said that she knew well that the Christ should soon be coming, and that he shall show and teach all that they should do. 21 And Jesus said that this was himself.

22 Just then his disciples came back from the town, and they marvelled that he was talking with the Samaritan, but none of them asked him what he talked with her about. 23 And the woman left her bucket there, and went back into the town, and said to the people that she had found a man who told her all the things that she had [ever] done in private. And she asked them to go and find out if this was the Christ, or not. 24 Meanwhile his disciples besought him to [have something to] eat. 25 And he answered them that he had such food to eat of which they did not know. 26 And they asked each other if any one had brought him any food. 27 And then he said to them that his food was entirely to do the will of God who sent him to the earth. 28 And then the Samaritans came to him, and many [of them] believed in him because of what the woman said. And they asked him that he would enter into their town. 29 And he entered, and dwelled with them for two days. 30 And many believed in him because of his preaching. And [they] said to the woman, "It is no longer because of your words that we believe -- for we have [now] seen it for ourselves and heard that he is truly a prophet, and the Saviour of the world."

31 And the third day Jesus went out of the town, and came down to Galilee, and said that every prophet is least honoured in his own country, than in other foreign places. 32 And because they had seen the miracles that he had done there, and at the feast in Jerusalem, so he was welcomed by the people there.



1Afterwards, Jesus came down to Cana in Galilee, where he had made the water wine. 2 And a high official's son was ill at Capernaum. 3 And this official, when he heard that Jesus had come down from (*) Judea, he came to Jesus and begged him to come to Capernaum to heal his son. 4 And Jesus reproved him, saying that unless they see him do miracles they will not believe in him. 5 And the official begged him to hasten, and to come down with him quick before his son was dead. 6 And Jesus answered him, and said that his son was [already] healthy and strong. 7 And he believed what Jesus told him and went on his way. 8 And as he came to Capernaum, his servants came to meet him, and told him that his son was healed and healthy. 9 And he asked them, What day was his son healed? 10 And they answered, and told him that the illness had left him at the hour of midday. 11 And then he knew well that this was the same hour when Jesus had said to him that his son was healed. 12 And from that time onwards, he believed in Jesus, and all his household [also].



1 After that, Jesus came down to the see of Tiberias, and a lot of people followed him so that they could hear his teachings. 2 And there were two boats at anchor in the water nearby, and the fishers had gone out of them, to wash their nets. 3 And Jesus got into one of the boats, which was Simon's father's (*nc), and he asked him to put out a little from the land. 4 And so he sat down in the boat and taught the people. 5 And when he had finished his sermon, he told him to put out into the deep and let down his nets. 6 And Simon answered him, and said that they had toiled all night and took nothing, but because of his word they will let down the net.

7 And as soon as he had let down the net, he took so much fish that it [was about to] tear the net. 8 And he called James and John, who were sons of Zebedee, and partners with Simon. 9 And they came up to help him, and filled both the boats so full, that they were at the point of sinking. 10 And when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down on his knees before Jesus, and besought him that he (Peter?) may get out of the boat, for he it was that was sinful. 11 And they all were astonished at the catch of fish. 12 And Jesus answered Simon, and said, "Do not be afraid", because he shall fish after men from that time onwards. 13 And right away, they had brought their boats to land, and left everything they had, and followed Jesus for a while. 14 And then they returned again to their affairs, until such time as when Jesus would call them again.+


16 # HOW JESUS CAME INTO NAZARETH (Lk 4:16-30; cf. #23)

1 And then, Jesus came into Nazareth, where he had been brought up. 2 And on a Saturday, he stood up in the synagogue, and read the lesson from Isaiah the prophet, that spoke about the godliness of Jesus the Christ. 3 And he told them that it was of himself that the prophets had oft spoken. 4 And they believed in him truly, and were bearing testimony to him, and beheld earnestly his fair demeanor, and wondered greatly at his gracious words. And they said among themselves, "What? Is this not Joseph's son?" 5 And Jesus answered them, and said that next they might say that he did devil's work in the town, and in other places also; but that, he said, he could never do (ms?). Indeed, no prophet is as much honoured in his own country as he is in foreign lands. 6 And, because of that, the prophets of old showed themselves to strangers otherwise than they did to their own people (ms?). 7 For Elijah the prophet was not sent to any widow of Israel, when the famine lasted three years and a half, but to a widow that lived among the Gentiles in the land of Sychar, that she may be relieved by him. And neither Elisha the prophet healed any leper of Israel, but rather Naaman, who was a Gentile, and a Syrian. 8 And when they heard this, they were all filled with wrath. And they rose up, and chased him out of the town, and led him up to the steep side of a high mountain, and wanted to throw him down. 9 And Jesus passed through them, and, leaving them, he went on his way.



1 Then Jesus left Nazareth, and he went down to Capernaum, and began to preach boldly, and to teach people to do penance for their sins. [And he] said that the bliss of God was near them who believed steadfastly in the coming of Jesus the Christ. 2 And then Jesus was walking by the Sea of Tiberias, and he saw Simon's father (*nc), and Andrew his brother, fishing in the sea. 3 And Jesus called them to him, and told them to come and follow him, and he will make them the fishers to fish after men. 4 And immediately they followed him, and left their boats and their nets. 5 And as Jesus went on a little further, he saw James, and John his brother, with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. 6 And right away they left their nets, and their father with their servants, and followed Jesus.



THE CURE OF A DEMONIAC (Mk 1:21-28, Lk 4:31-37, Mt, Jn)
1 After that, Jesus entered with them into Capernaum, and came into their temple on a Saturday. 2 And he began to preach, so that all the people had great wonder thereof. 3 Now, there was a man among them who had a demon within him. 4 And the demon began to cry, asking Jesus if he came to chase him and other demons away out of the land before their time was come -- and he said that he knew well that he was Christ. 5 And Jesus ordered him to be silent. 6 And, right away, the demon fled out of that man, and all who saw this were amazed. 7 And this news went about all the country.

SIMON'S MOTHER-IN-LAW (Mt 8:14-15, Mk, Lk)
8 And then Jesus went out of the synagogue, and entered the house of Peter with St. James and St. John. 9 And Peter's wife's mother was there, with a high fever, and they all pleaded for her. 10 And Jesus took her by the hand, and made here whole. And right away she got up, and went and served them.

OTHER HEALINGS (Lk 4:40-41; Mk 1:32-34)
11 And as soon as the sun was gone to rest, there came to Jesus all the sick, and the mute, and the blind, and the demented who were afflicted (?) in that town. 12 And he touched them, and they were all healed. 13 And the demons that Jesus was driving out before him cried, and said that certainly he was God's son. 14 And Jesus commanded them to be still, and to stop their wailing, so that they do not make this known.

DEPARTURE FROM CAPERNAUM (Lk 4:42-43, Mk 1:35-38)
15 And in the morning, Jesus went privately to a lonely place, to worship and pray. 16 And St. Peter went to seek him with other of his fellows, and told him that everybody waited for him. 17 And then Jesus came again to the people. 18 And when the people found him, (Lk) they would have kept him by force, so he would no more go away from them. 19 And Jesus told them that it behoved him to preach in the other cities as well as there. And he went forth preaching, and chasing out demons before him throughout all the Galilee.



THE NATURE OF DISCIPLESHIP (Mt 8:18-22, Lk 9:57-60)
1 When Jesus saw that such great crowds of people were following him, he instructed his disciples that they should go and cross the sea of Tiberias, towards (*nc) the country of Galilee in Gerasa. 2 And as he was going towards the boat, a scribe said [to him] that he shall follow him wherever he goes. 3 And Jesus answered him, and said that he had no place of his own to go to. 4 "Because", he said, "the birds have their nests, and the foxes have their holes, and I (SoM) have no place where I may rest my head." 5 And Jesus spoke to another scribe, and told him that he should follow him. 6 And he answered, and begged Jesus that he might first go and bury his father. 7 And Jesus answered him, and told him to let the dead men bury the dead bodies, and that, himself, he should go forth and preach the bliss of God. 8
(Lk 9:61-62) And there was another scribe who said that he would serve Jesus, but he begged him that he might go home, and take care of his property and his house. 9 And Jesus answered him, and said that no one should put his hand on the plow, and look behind him, because this was not the right thing [to do] for the bliss of God."

THE CALMING OF THE STORM (Mt 8:23-27, Mk 4:35-41, Lk 8:22-25)
10 And when Jesus with his disciples came to the boat, it was close to evensong time+. 11 And Jesus' boat went forth with other boats over the water. And there came such a great storm on the sea, that all the boats were nearly full of water, and at the point of sinking. 12 And Jesus was then asleep at the stern on a pillow (*). 13 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, and besought him to save them, so that they would not perish. 14 And then Jesus asked them, Where was their faith? 15 And then they were all extremely afraid. 16 And right away, Jesus commanded the wind and the sea to be still, and that the wind blew no more -- and immediately it was still.

17 And all the people marvelled greatly
that the wind and sea were so still,
and so obedient to his will.

18 And as soon as he arrived to the land, there came two demoniacs out of the tombs, brazen and exceedingly fierce, so that no one could pass [that way] because of them. And neither any place could hold them. 19 And these two demoniacs always stood in the crevasses of the rocks, crying and howling, and beating themselves against the hard rocks. 20 And as soon as they saw Jesus, they ran towards him, and fell down and worshipped him, and pleaded with him for God's sake that he drove them not out of the country. 21 And also the demons begged him not to drive them to hell -- for he ordered them to be gone. 22 And the demons entreated him that he torment them no more. 23 And Jesus asked them, How many were they? 24 And the demons answered that they were a legion. 25 (That amounted to six thousand, six hundred, and sixty six.) 26 And they begged him so he would let them enter into the swine, that was grazing there on the mountain. (*) 27 And Jesus gave them leave. 28 And then they entered into the swine and, right away, in haste, they run and drowned themselves in the sea, about two thousand of them.

29 And when the herdsmen saw this, they fled into the city, and to the towns about, and told about the events that took place with the demons and with the swine. 30 And then the people all came running to Jesus, and found a demoniac (sic) sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and all whole. 31 And they were all shocked because of this, and they all entreated him that he go his way far out of that country, so much dread they had of him. 32 (Mk, Lk) And Jesus went into the boat. And then those who were healed from their sickness, and [were now] all whole, begged him that they may follow him. 33 And Jesus told them to stay and dwell there, and to tell the people of the country how they were delivered from the legion of demons. 34 And they went all over the country, and told how Jesus had them healed. 35 And when Jesus came up to Galilee, all the people came to him, because they had great longing for his coming.



THE HEALING OF A PARALYTIC (Mt 9:2-8, Mk 2:1-12, Lk 5:17-26 )
1 Then Jesus came down to Capernaum, and preached in a house. 2 And there came such crowds of people there, and so many scribes, and so many Pharisees [who were] sitting around him, that nobody could come up to him. 3 And then there came four men, and brought on a bed a sick man, a paralytic. And they sought to bring him in and lay him before Jesus. 4 And when they saw that they could not enter, because of the people, and because of the crowd that was there, they climbed up on [the roof of] that house, and took it apart, and made a great hole. And through the rafters of that house, they let down the paralytic before Jesus. 5 And Jesus, when he saw their faith, he said to the paralytic that his sins were forgiven. 6 And the scribes said that he was blaspheming, because he was doing what only God could do (*?), that is, to forgive sins. 7 But Jesus knew right away what they were thinking, and asked them, Why did they think evil [thoughts]? 8 Because he could forgive this man's sins just as easily as [he could] save him from his sickness. 9 "And", he said, "so that you may know this -- that I (SoM) have the authority on earth to forgive sins -- Rise up!", he said to the paralytic. "And take your bed, and take it home with you." 10 And immediately he rose, and took up his bed before them all, and carried it home. 11 And he, himself, and all the people glorified God that he had given Jesus such authority.

THE CALL OF MATTHEW (Mt 9:9-13, Mk 2:13-17, Lk 5:27-32)
12 And then Jesus went forth beside the shore of the sea; and all the people followed him, and then he began to instruct them. 13 And as he again came to a town, he saw a man joining a vat, and his name was Matthew Levi. 14 And Jesus told him to give up this [work]. And, right away, he left [his former life] completely, and went with Jesus. So [he] made for him a great gathering of people in his house. 15 And many publicans, and other sinful men came, and ate with Jesus, and with his disciples. 16 And the scribes and the Pharisees came, and asked Jesus' disciples, Why did he eat with such folk? 17 And Jesus answered and said that he came to call the sinful people to repentance, and not the righteous ones. 18 Because those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick have such a need. And God would rather have mercy and compassion than revenge.

THE QUESTION ABOUT FASTING (Mt 9:14-17, Lk 5:33-39, Mk)
19 Then the disciples of John the Baptist came, and the Pharisees who were fasting, and asked, Why Jesus' disciples did not fast, as they did? 20 And Jesus answered them, and said that it was not right for the friends, who were at the wedding feast, to fast, so long as the feast lasted. But the time shall come, when the wedding feast will be over, and then they will fast. 21 And also he told them that no wise person would [repair] old clothes using new cloth, because the new cloth will tear the old, and then it will be [even] worse. 22 And neither does anyone who is wise [mix] new wine with the old lees because, in such a case, both will go bad. 23 And no one who has good old wine would drink of the new wine, because he would find the old [one] better tasting.



JAIRUS' DAUGHTER, AND A WOMAN WITH A HEMORRHAGE (Mk 5:22-43, Lk 8:40-56, Mt 9:18-26)
1 And while Jesus was thus speaking to them, there came a ruler, by the name of Jairus. And he fell down on his knees at Jesus' feet, and worshipped him, and begged him to come and lay his hands on his daughter, who was then nearly dead. And he did not have any children but one. 2 And, right away, Jesus rose and went with him, and his disciples followed him, and a great crowd of other people with them. And [among them, there was] a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years. (Now, according to the old laws, such as she were not allowed to come into the city among men.)+ 3 And this woman had spent on physicians all that she had without any improvement, but she was only the worse [for it]. 4 And so, it came to pass that this woman was in the crowd among the people, and she touched Jesus' clothes, because she said to herself that if she touched [even] the fringe of his coat, she should be made well. 5 And Jesus halted, and asked who touched him. 6 And none of them would admit to it. 7 And St. Peter answered, and said that it was a great wonder that he would ask who had touched him, because of all the people who crowded around him, and got in his way. 8 And Jesus said that he knew well that someone had touched [him], because he had a power that was gone forth from him, the kind that heals. 9 And Jesus stood still and looked [around] who it was [that had done it]. 10 And the woman, when she saw that she cannot escape, came in fear and trembling, and fell down on her knees before his feet. [And she] pleaded for his mercy, and told before all the people what really happened. 11 And Jesus told her to go in peace, and that her true faith had saved her.

12 And after Jesus said this, there came the servants of the ruler, and told him that his daughter was dead, and that he should not trouble Jesus for her any further. 13 And Jesus, on hearing this, told him not to fear, but to believe steadfastly that he can heal her, and that he will save her. 14 And when he came in to the ruler's house, then he found the girl dead, and the people [there] weeping and bewailing her death. 15 And Jesus told them not weep, because she was not dead. 16 And they all laughed at him. 17 And Jesus put them all out of the house and, taking [with him only] the girl's father and mother, and St. Peter, and St. James, and his brother, he went in where she lay. And taking her by the hand, he said loudly, "Little girl, arise." 18 And immediately she got up and walked, for she was twelve years old. 19 And Jesus commanded that they give her to eat (ms?). 20 And Jesus strictly charged them that they should tell this to no one. 21 Nevertheless, the woman [who was healed by Jesus] went out and told throughout all that district what happened to her.



1 And as Jesus went on from there, on the way, he met two blind men; and they cried mercy to Christ. 2 And when Jesus came home to where he was staying, they came to him. 3 And Jesus asked them if they believed that he can heal them, and they said, "Yes!" 4 And Jesus answered them, and said, According to their faith, so was it done. 5 And right away, they could see. 6 And Jesus sternly charged them that they told this to nobody. But they went forth and told [about it] all over the country.

7 And as soon as they were gone, there was brought to him a mute man who had a demon within him. [...] 8 And [after he healed him] all the people were amazed greatly, and said that never was anything like this yet seen in Israel. 9 And the Pharisees said that he cast out demons through the power of Beelzebub, their prince.


23 # HOW JESUS WAS SCORNED IN HIS NATIVE COUNTRY (Mt 13:54-58, Mk 6:1-5; See #16 for the Lukan version)

1 And then, Jesus, with his disciples, went to his own country, to Nazareth, and preached in the towns round about. 2 And the people were wondering greatly because of his works and his wisdom. And they began to talk among themselves, saying, "What? Is this not the son of Joseph, the carpenter, and of Mary? 3 And the men and women of his family, are they not all sitting here among us?" 4 And they were all reasoning thus, and [they] scorned him among themselves. 5 And Jesus answered them, and said that the prophets were mostly honoured except in their own country, and namely by those who are their friends and acquaintances. 6 And such was their unbelief, that he could not heal there but very few, and that was through the laying of hands. 7 And Jesus showed [his works there] in such a way, that they all marvelled because of that.


24 # HOW JESUS CHOSE THE TWELVE APOSTLES (Mt 4:23-25, Lk 6:12-16, Mk)

1 Afterwards, Jesus went preaching all around the country of Galilee. 2 And such great crowds followed him from all the lands about, and so many sick were brought [to him], that they could not all come to him. 3 (Lk) And then Jesus went upon the Mt. Tabor to pray, and he remained there all night in devotion. 4 And in the morning, he summoned his disciples to him, and he chose there his twelve apostles. 5 And he called St. James and St. John his Boanerges (this expression meaning "the sons of thunder").

THE BEATITUDES (Mt 5:3-12, Lk 6:20-23)
6 And when he had chosen the twelve apostles, and had them named, he delivered to them the Ten Commandments of the new law -- not by compulsion, but in the way of promise -- and said,

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the bliss of heaven is theirs.
7 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
8 Blessed are they who weep, for they shall be comforted.
9 Blessed are they who desire righteousness in their food and drink,for they shall be satisfied.
10 Blessed are they who are merciful, for they shall have mercy.
11 Blessed are they who have pure hearts, for they shall see God.
12 Blessed are they who love peace, for they shall be called sons of God.
13 Blessed are they who are shamed and persecuted for [what is] right, for theirs is the bliss of heaven.

14 And after he thus spoke, he addressed the apostles, and began to instruct them, and told them how they should be. And he said that they should be more skilful and steadfast than any of the scribes and the Pharisees of the old laws, because they were the light of the world, who should teach all others, and govern, and have knowledge. 15 And when Jesus had taught them everything that was right, and what they should do, and all the understanding that they should have in their faith -- how they should flee the false prophets who will lay in wait for them -- then Jesus descended with them towards the people, who waited for him in the fair plain.


25 # HOW JESUS HEALED AND MADE WELL ALL THOSE WHO CAME TO HIM IN THE PLAIN (summary of the Sermon on the Plain; Lk 6:17-49, Mk)

1 When Jesus came among them in the plain, the people came all around him so that they could hear him speak, and be healed and made well by him. Because such power came from him that it healed all who touched him. 2 And then Jesus began to recite the Ten Commandments, and [he gave] the sermon that he had preached to his apostles just recently. [And he] told them that they need to believe more steadfastly than those who were of the old laws, and that they must love their enemies, and should be meek and content with all things [that befall them]. [And they] should do to others as they would have others do to them. 3 And he said that in everything [they do] they should see that the unbelievers would not take bad example from them, and that they should show their Christendom+ in their deeds, and not only in words. 4 And he ended by saying that those who did [everything] as they heard it from him, they will never be overcome -- no more than a house that has a firm foundation would fall down because of the wind or the flood. But if it is built on a false foundation, it will not weather the tempest, but will founder and fall down completely.


26 # HOW JESUS HEALED A LEPER FROM HIS SICKNESS (Mt 8:1-4, Mk 1:40-45, Lk 5:12-16)

1 When Jesus ended his discourse, he came down [from the mountain?] and went with [other] people towards Capernaum. And there came a leper, and worshipped him, and fell down on his knees before him, and said, "Lord, if you will, you can make me whole." 2 And Jesus touched him, and said, "I will. 3 Now be clean." 4 And immediately he was all healed. 5 And Jesus told him that he should mention it to no one that he had him healed, but to go and offer the gift that he commanded should be offered by those who wish to be healed and to be all clean. 6 And he went out and told it all around the country that Jesus had him healed. And he made so many people come to Jesus that he could (Mk) no longer enter a town with all these people, and so he had to stay out in deserted places, because of all these crowds. And yet there came more and more people on all sides of him. But often he would go away from them (Lk) to the wilderness, to worship his father in heaven.


27 # HOW JESUS HEALED THE CENTURION'S SERVANT (Lk 7:1-10, Mt 8:5-13, Jn 4:46-54)

1 There was a time when Jesus entered Capernaum. 2 And there came [to him] a great lord of a hundred Gentile knights, who had a servant who was stricken with palsy. And he begged the most honourable Jews of the city to entreat Jesus for him, so he would heal his servant -- because he was much beloved and dear to him. 3 And they came to Jesus, and besought him earnestly so that he would heal the centurion's servant. 4 And they said that it would be a very rightful thing if Jesus did this for him, because he really loved the people, and built [for them their] synagogue. 5 And Jesus answered to them, and said that he will do it gladly, and he went down there. 6 And when he came near the house, the official sent friends to Jesus with a message for him not to [trouble to] come there himself, for he was not worthy to have Jesus come to his house. 7 But [he begged] that Jesus [only] say [a word] that he should be healed -- because he knew well that then [his servant] will be healed. Because another fellow told him this, and his servant also, and so he believed firmly that the sickness should be gone, and he will be whole, if Jesus so commanded. 8 And when Jesus heard this, he turned to those who followed him, and said, "I have not found such great faith in any Jew as in this Gentile". 9 And I tell you that many Gentiles will come from far away to [attain] the bliss of God, and will be resting with the patriarchs, but this wicked people will be cast into torment without end. 10 And so Jesus said to those who were sent to him, referring to the official, "Let it be done just as he has believed." 11 And they went back home, and found the servant healed.


28 # HOW JESUS SENT HIS TWELVE APOSTLES OUT TO PREACH (Mt 9:35-11:1, Lk 9:1-6, 10:2-16, Mk)

1 And then Jesus went about all the cities and all the villages, preaching, and healing the sick. 2 And so many people followed him, that they looked almost like they were sheep who were troubled on their way (?). 3 And then he called [to him] his twelve apostles, and gave them the power and might to cast out demons, and to heal every disease. And he sent them out, charging them to go boldly among the Jews, and to proclaim that the Christ was near. And he told them to heal all the people without any pay. 4 And also that they should bring no gold, nor silver, nor any other goods on their journey. And neither should they bring with them any bread, nor a bag, nor two tunics, nor a staff, but only themselves on their feet, and a rod in hand.

5 And when they come to a town or village, they should find out who is worthy in it to receive them, and then go and offer there forgiveness, and stay there until it was suitable (?) to depart thence. 6 And [he said] that they should eat and drink whatever is set before them. 7 And if any one should not receive them, then he told them to go out of that town or village, and that they should wipe off the dust [from] under their feet upon their heads, witnessing that they had [received] nothing from them. 8 And he told them that Sodom and Gomorra shall receive a more tolerable judgement than it shall be for those who receive them not.

9 And then Jesus warned them of all the troubles and tribulations that they will suffer for his love. 10 And he told them to be wise as a serpent (*) and innocent as a dove. 11 And towards the end, he comforted them, and said that whosoever is of resolute faith, they shall be safe. And whosoever received them, they shall have the same good reward as those that received himself, or his father, God almighty. 12 And after he had taught them all that they should do, and after he comforted them so graciously, they went out all around the country, and preached repentance, and cast out demons, and anointed all the sick, and healed them.


29 # HOW JESUS RAISED THE WIDOW'S DAUGHTER FROM DEATH TO LIFE (Lk 7:11-18; a Lukan section begins)

1 Then Jesus went to a city called Nain, his disciples walking with him, as well as a great crowd. 2 And as he approached the gate of the city, a dead body upon a bier was being carried out past him, and the people of the town were following it. 3 And it was a widow's daughter, and she had no [children] other than her. 4 And she was weeping and lamenting for her daughter. 5 And Jesus, when he saw her weep, had great compassion for her, and told her that she should not weep. 6 And he came and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. 7 And Jesus said to the deceased, "Arise." 8 And she arose, and right away began to speak. 9 And Jesus took her by the hand, and brought her to her mother. 10 And then all the people were astonished, and they glorified God. 11 And [the report about] his deed spread throughout the whole of Judea, and all about that region. 12 And the disciples of John the Baptist visited him in prison, where he was, and told him of the wonder that Jesus had performed, in order to know from him for certain if he was the Christ.



1 St. John answered them, and said that they might see for themselves and hear that he was the Christ. And [he] told them to go to Jesus on his behalf, and to ask him if he might declare himself whether he was the Christ, or if everyone should think it would be some other. 2 And when they came to Jesus, they repeated to him the request of John. 3 And Jesus at that time healed many who were sick or injured, and he gave speech and sight to many who were blind and mute, and he drove away the devils. And he told John's messengers to go back to John and tell him what they had heard and seen. 4 "Say to him, said Jesus, that the blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead rise up and live. And the poor have been chosen for the preaching of God's word (?). And blessed have been they who take no offence at me." 5 And when John's messengers had gone, Jesus told the people about St. John -- that he was not like a reed that stirs and bends with every wind. "And neither is he fed with delicious foods and drinks as others are in this world. And neither is he a prophet, but he is more than a prophet -- for he is the angel that God promised who should come and make way before Christ". 6 And he ended by saying that there had never yet been a greater man born of a woman. 7 And all the people who were baptised by John, as they heard how Jesus had praised him, acclaimed and thanked God. 8 But the lawyers and the Pharisees, who were not baptised by him, were scornful of what Jesus had said. 9 And when Jesus saw this, he said that they were like the children who neither laughed nor wept [together] with their friends. 10 "John the Baptist," he said, "eats no bread and drinks no wine, and you say that he is mad. And I (SoM) eat and drink, and you say that I am a glutton and a drunkard, and that I am a friend of tax collectors and sinners."



1 Then a Pharisee asked Jesus to eat with him. 2 And Jesus went into his house, and sat down for the meal. 3 And a woman, who had seven demons within her, and was known in that city as a sinful woman, learned that Jesus was eating there. 4 And she took a box of ointment, and went and stood behind him, and anointed his feet, and made them all wet with the tears of her eyes, and wiped his feet with her hair -- and kissed them, and anointed them [again]. 5 Now when the Pharisee saw it that Jesus let her touch him thus, and to anoint his feet, then he thought in his heart that, if he were a true prophet, he should have known what sort of a woman she was, and that she was a sinner, and would not have let her touch him in the way that she did. 6 And then Jesus answered this Pharisee, and said, "I have something to say to you." 7 And he responded to him, and said, "Good teacher, say it."

8 And then Jesus said, "A [certain] creditor had two debtors -- one owed him five hundred denarii, and the other owed him fifty denarii. 9 Now, neither of them had the money to pay [him back], and so he forgave them both their debts. 10 Now", I ask, "Which of them did he love most?" 11 "I believe", answered the Pharisee, "the one [to whom] he forgave most." 12 And Jesus told him that he had judged rightly. 13 And then, turning toward the woman, he began to say, "Simon, do you see this woman? 14 I entered your house, and you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears, and wiped my feet with her hair. 15 And you did not kiss my mouth, but, from the time she came in, she has not ceased to kiss my feet. 16 And you did not wash my head or my eyes , but she has anointed my feet with ointment. This is why I say this to you, that [her] many sins have been forgiven her. 17 And therefore I love her much, because the one to whom most is forgiven, is loved most." 18 And then Jesus said to the woman that her sins were forgiven. 19 And then, those who were sitting at the repast thought [among themselves], "Who is he, that he can forgives sins?" 20 And Jesus said to her, "Go, woman, and be in peace." 21 For her faith had saved her. 22 And she went and joined others whom Jesus had healed of their illnesses, and who followed him, and provided for him out of their own private means. [Among them were also] Joanna, who was the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward (*), and Susanna, and many others. And [they] followed Jesus [and accompanied him] in all the towns and villages where he preached.



1 After this Jesus chose for himself sixty and twelve disciples, and sent them out ahead of him -- two by two together -- into all the regions where he would be coming. 2 And he told them to go quickly, and that they carry no purse, and no bag, [and wear] no stockings, and no shoes. And [he told them] to proclaim and witness peace everywhere they may come. [And he told them] to eat and to drink whatever they are given, and that they heal the sick everywhere they find them without any pay. And that they make it known to the people that the Christ was [come] near them. 3 And if any town received them not, then he told them to gather some dust from under their feet, and to tell them that they will not accept from them [even] their dust any more, because they will not acknowledge their sins, nor hear their teaching. 4 And that they should tell them that the Christ was already near, so that they know full well that [even] Sodom and Gomorra will have a more tolerable judgement on Doomsday than they will have. 5 "For whoever receives you, they receive me -- and whoever rejects you, they reject me. 6 And whoever rejects me rejects (the disciple of)+ him who sent me here." 7 And then Jesus began to reprove the towns where he had preached, and performed many miracles, but they would not show penance -- Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum. And he said that if so many miracles had been done among the Gentiles, [even] they would have done penance. And therefore, these should have a harder judgement that the Gentiles.



1 And then, soon afterwards, Jesus' disciples returned to him with much joy, and told him that the demons were obeying them in his name. 2 And Jesus told them that they will have the power to drive away the serpents and scorpions, and all sorts of demons in his name, but not in their own name, so they should beware of vainglory. 3 "Because", he said, "I saw the Satan fall from the heaven as dust for his pride". 4 And just because the demons have been subject to you, do not therefore have pride or joy, but [rather] rejoice because you have been chosen for the bliss of heaven [each] by [your] name. 5 And at that same time, Jesus started to call upon the Holy Spirit, and offered graces, and thanked God, his father, that he had chosen the simple and the low of heart to reveal them such great things, and not the wise or the privileged. 6 And then he spoke, and said (Mt 11:28) that all those who laboured and were heavy laden should come to him, and he will comfort them. 7 And afterwards he said to his disciples that they were blessed who could see his works, and hear his teaching. 8 Because many prophets and kings had desired this, but it was not granted them.



1 Then a great master of the laws stood up, and asked Jesus what he should do so he could have life without end. 2 And Jesus asked him, What did the law command that everyone should do? 3 And he answered, and said that it was commanded that above all "You should love God with your heart, and with your soul, and with all your strength and your thought, [and that you should love] your neighbour as yourself." 4 And Jesus told him to do so, and he will have life without end. 5 But then [the master] asked, Who was his neighbour?

6 And Jesus answered, "Everyone", and told him the tale of a man who was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and was set upon by robbers, and battered, and wounded almost to his death. 7 Now a priest who saw him, he [just] let him lie [there]; and a Levite who came afterwards, also. 8 But then a Samaritan (who was a Gentile too)+ took pity of him, and he set him upon his own beast, and brought him to an inn where he was staying, and washed his wounds with oil and wine, and served him that night. 9 And in the morning, he gave the innkeeper two denarii, and begged him to take good care of him until he came back, [saying that] he will repay him anything more he had spent. 10 And then, [Jesus] asked the master, Which of these three was a neighbour to him who was wounded? 11 And he answered that [it was] the one who took pity of him. 12 And Jesus told him to go and do likewise. That is to say, he should treat everyone as his neighbour.


- The sentences as printed in 1922 edition are numbered, although I usually break up long sentences in my translation.
- My emendations are [in square brackets].
- PG Special Material (the text that is unique to PG) is highlighted with colour. I tried to check parallel passages carefully in all four canonical gospels to make sure that this material is absent there, although some mistakes are possible. These are often approximate estimates. In many cases, precise classification is quite difficult and somewhat doubtful, as one compares different versions and translations. I tried to highlight especially those passages that are distinctly different; many smaller differences are left unmarked.
- Places marked with a plus (+) are where some minor additions (glosses) are found. This is obviously some late material, but these additions seem to be only 1% of the text. There are many names that have the word "Saint" added to them; because of their frequency they are often left unmarked.
- (?) marks places where translation appears to be uncertain. In such cases, I provide my best guess as to what the meaning may be, but other translations are also possible.
- (ms?) similar to the above but, in these cases, there seems to be an underlying ms difficulty more than a problem with translation. Usually, in these cases, the Middle English words and grammar, in themselves, appear to be clear and unambiguous but, still, the overall meaning of the passage is not entirely clear.
- (*) probable manuscript mistake that was commented upon by Goates. In these cases, I incorporate the emendations as suggested by Goates. These may be either translation or copying mistakes in the manuscript.
- (*nc) probable manuscript mistake, commented upon by Goates, not corrected. These are the more difficult cases where Goates may have been wrong in her analysis.
- (*?) probable ms mistake, corrected (no comment by Goates). These cases are quite similar to the ones marked with (ms?), but the underlying meaning seems more clear with this category.
- (SoM) the place where one would have expected to find the Son of Man title of Jesus.
- (-SoM) the place where the whole verse or even paragraph containing "Son of Man" is missing.
- [...] marks some places where there seems to be a break or omission in the manuscript because of a copying error.