Hi folks, Here's a short selection of images.

This was at around 6am on Queen Street by Nathan Phillips Square.
This was at around 6am on Queen Street by Nathan Phillips Square. The cops on the right are searching people and confiscating people's belongings. Placards, handkerchiefs, water bottles, bike helmets, goggles, medic scissors, noisemakers were taken. Some folks were detained, possibly arrested.

The morning march underway.
The morning march underway.

The streets were taken, and many intersections were held with overturned corporate media new$paper boxes.
The streets were taken, and many intersections were held with overturned corporate media new$paper boxes.

Sometimes the kops weren't satisfied just intimidation.
Sometimes the kops weren't satisfied just intimidation. A number of people were assaulted by police, and more than once medics were blocked when urgently needed.

Simcoe Park.
Simcoe Park. The group was smaller at this point, and the kops took the opportunity to move in. They vastly outnumbered the people and surrounded the park. When people moved together en mass they were funneled into a narrower and narrower path.

Across the street from Simcoe Park.
Across the street from Simcoe Park.

All in all most of the day was spent voicing the peoples needs and making it clear that the tory government has a history of causing suffering as well as death.

Sometimes today people were able to celebrate the ability of the public to take back the streets, shut down business, and have a collective voice heard.
Sometimes today people were able to celebrate the ability of the public to take back the streets, shut down business, and have a collective voice heard.