Strategic Arts and Sciences Alliance

The Brand Name of the Media Revolution



This paper is an extract from a forthcoming Advanced Command Concepts and Technology Center paper. The impetus for this discussion was an NDU- sponsored information war game (4 to 6 October 1994). The game scenario featured a five-year aggression plan by a middle-income nation with a sophisticated electronics industry. Teams representing that nation and the U.S. retired to develop information war campaigns against each other; when they rejoined their strategies revealed two troubling tendencies. Without details on each side's information system, no one could prove that any proposed operation would work or what its consequences were. The U.S. team saw information warfare as legions of hackers. The other side saw it as psychological manipulation via the media. All this was prior to any wartime version of information warfare. Battle, as such, was never joined.

This paper was prepared by Dr. Martin Libicki of the Advanced Command Concepts and Technology Center of INSS. He can be reached by calling 202-287-9219, ext. 521; by FAX at 202-287- 9239; or by Internet at LIBICKIM@NDU.EDU.






(.) Idiosyntactix