This demo site is optimized for four browsers running on Windows:
It will not display properly in other browsers or on other operating systems.
The style sheets keep the busy blocks of colour, and the vertical and horizontal rules, to the margins. This keeps the main reading area uncluttered and high contrast. Divisions within the reading area are implied by pervasively and consistently applying multiples of a 20-pixel white space . This is a book design strategy that enables the borders of the blocks of text themselves to suggest divisions.
Click here to see the grid.
"); ?>
Click here to hide the grid.
Click on "styles" in the Front Porch submenu to see the style treatments.
The styles are flexible, and can change site-wide by altering a single file.
Colours and images are strictly placeholders.
The site's content will render favourably for screen readers, handheld devices, and printers.