Speaker's Roster

Carolyn Wilson

Address: 1-59 Front St., Stratford, ON

Telephone (519) 271-7235 or (519) 271-0890, ext. 3053

Fax: (519) 271-8250 (fax)

Email: carolyn_wilson@hpcdsb.edu.on.ca

Profession: Teacher

Organization: The Association for Media Literacy - Ontario

Title: President

Affiliations: community groups; education association; media association

Speaking Topics:

Media Literacy and Global Issues; Gender Representation in the Media; New Technologies in Education; Corporate Sponsorship in Schools; Getting started in Media Education

Past speaking engagements:

  1. Forum On Our Global Challenges; The Ministry of Foreign Affairs-- Government of Costa Rica, The University for Peace, UNESCO; San Jose, Costa Rica, 2000
  2. Summit 2000: Children, Youth and the MediaÑBeyond the Millennium; AML, JCP, ACT; Toronto, 2000
  3. The Oslo Challenge; the Norwegian Government and UNICEF; Oslo, Norway, 1999
  4. Agora; European ChildrenÕs Television Centre; Thessaloniki, Greece, 1999
  5. Educating for the Media and the Digital Age; Federal Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, UNESCO; Vienna, Austria, 1999

Selection of titles of past speeches:

  1. Media Literacy and Global Education: A Transformative Paradigm for the Twenty-first Century
  2. Media Education: Addressing our Global Challenges
  3. Schools for Sale: Corporate Sponsorship and Education
  4. Striking the Pose: Gender Images in the Media
  5. Communications Technology: Possibilities for Schools

Resources produced (selected list):

  1. Mass Media and Popular Culture, Version 2 (co-author)
  2. Media Literacy and Global Education -- resource document for secondary schools
  3. Communication Technology Ð resource document for secondary schools

Willing to speak: anywhere in Canada; internationally

Available for: workshop facilitation; speaking engagements;interviews consulting; media

Fee: negotiable

Languages: English


Carolyn Wilson is a teacher, author, consultant and President of the Association for Media Literacy in Ontario, Canada. Co-author of the best-selling textbook Mass Media and Popular Culture, Version 2, she has given numerous presentations across Canada, and in the United States, Austria, Greece, Norway, Brazil and Costa Rica.

Carolyn teaches Media Literacy, World Development and English at St. Michael Catholic Secondary School in Stratford, Ontario. There she pioneered an interdisciplinary program in media studies and global education, which involves a community outreach component and a billeting experience in the Dominican Republic. Carolyn has written about and given workshops on such topics as global studies and the media, gender representation, corporate sponsorship in schools, and the role of media literacy in communications technology programs.

Carolyn has also been a member of the Stratford Festival Teacher Liaison Committee and the Stratford Women's Action Group.