There are far more tags in HTML than those listed below. This group is included here because they've been modified or created specifically for your website. They've been given a set of specifications in a "Cascading Style Sheet" that makes them display differently from the default appearance most browsers assign them.
opening tag |
closing tag |
notes |
Headings |
<h1> |
</h1> |
<h1 class="subtitle"> |
</h1> |
<h2> |
</h2> |
<h3> |
</h3> |
<h4> |
</h4> |
<h5> |
</h5> |
<h6> |
</h6> |
Paragraphs ("block") |
<p> |
</p> |
<p class="byline"> |
</p> |
<p class="bio"> |
</p> |
Short author bio at end or beginning of article |
<p class="column"> |
</p> |
Column titles, e.g., Barry's Bulletin |
<p class="q"> |
</p> |
Question half of a question and interview feature |
<p class="a"> |
</p> |
Answer half of a question and interview feature |
<p class="legal" > |
</p> |
Small text that's ideal for legalese |
<p class="indenta"> |
</p> |
Whole paragraph indented on left |
<p class="indentb"> |
</p> |
... indented even more |
<p class="indentc"> |
</p> |
... even more again |
<p class="indentd"> |
</p> |
... yet more of an indent |
<blockquote> |
</blockquote> |
Like "indenta" but specifically for quotations (they're treated differently by screen readers) |
<p class="quoted"> |
</p> |
Use when attributing a person to a quote (like indentb, but no white space between quote and quoted. |
<dt> |
</dt> |
In a list of definitions, the term being defined |
<dd> |
</dd> |
In a list of definitions, the definition for a term |
Word and phrase treatments ("inline") |
<b> |
</b> |
bold |
<strong> |
</strong> |
displays as bold, but is preferred to bold since it has a useful meaning for screen readers |
<i> |
</i> |
italics |
<em> |
</em> |
displays as italics, but is preferred to italics since it has a useful meaning for screen readers |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Click here to see examples of these tags.
Next: naming files.