

Creativity Workshops

Diana McIntosh gives creativity workshops, 1 1/2 to 3 hours long, for music/drama/art students (20 maximum). The students work together creating their own improvisations, devising symbols for each sound, and writing them down; then perform them using sounds from the mouth, body and vocal cords. They will communicate musical styles, moods and feelings through movement while discovering the potential power of the voice as a physical instrument.

The object is to explore the process of music-making, from the conception of sounds to their abstract notation, the relationships in a composition, and methods of performance. They will find themselves being composers, performers, conductors and critics of their own sound collages.

The workshop will help students to be more confident and free in expressing their spontaneous creativity.

The workshop will help students to be more confident and free in expressing their spontaneous creativity.

Equipment required:

m e n u
469 Kingston Cr., Winnipeg, Canada R2M   0V1
Tel: (204) 233-4163 Fax: (204) 237-3773


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