The Original McIntosh - LP & Cassette
Aurum 101 (stereo) Aurum Records
469 Kingston Crescent
Winnipeg MB R2M 0V1Another Byte of McIntosh - CD
Aurum 102 Aurum Records
Go Between Climb to Camp I The Arm of Dionysus All in Good Time
Digitized and Broadcasted by
IDIO-AUDIO Independent and Experimental Music OnlineIn order for you to listen these audio clips,
make sure you get Real Audio player
installed with your browser.Vistas - CD
Prairie Sounds from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba
Canadian Music Centre
911 Library Tower
2500 University Drive N.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4Electroacoustic Music - CD
Anthology of Canadian Music
ACM 37 CD 1-4
Radio Canada International
PO Box 6000
Montreal, P.Q. H3C 3A8
Serious Fun With McIntosh - VHS
Original McIntosh works (27 minutes)
Winnipeg Film Group
304 100 Arthur Street
Winnipeg MB R3B 1H3Angles of Incidence - VHS
Video Reflections of multimedia artworks
The Banff Centre for the Arts Banff Centre
Banff, Alberta T0L 0C0
469 Kingston Cr., Winnipeg, Canada R2M 0V1
Tel: (204) 233-4163 Fax: (204) 237-3773